This Expert's name is Dr BATO Bagnan, PhD
This Expert's occupation is
Health economics
This Expert's location is
Lome, Togo
This Expert's nationality is Togolese
Countries of Work
Areas of Expertise
- Training
- Community health boards
- Social participation and health communication
- Financing for PHC and community health (preventive, promotive, and curative care
- Health coverage schemes
- Strategic health purchasing
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Strategic planning
- Strategy development
- Health management information systems
- Health-related surveys
- Community health workers--engagement, capacity-building and retention
- Cost benefit analysis
- Data collection methodology
- Indicator development
- Knowledge management software
- Performance management plans
- Quantitative and qualitative analysis
- Research
- Results and logical frameworks
- Malaria
- Maternal, newborn and child health
- Tuberculosis
- Cost-effectiveness analysis
- Costing
Economiste de la santé, économiste des vaccins, économiste des relations internationales.