5+ years
Countries of Work
Cameroon, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe
Professional Experience
Clinton health access Initiative
Jan 2014 - PresentHeld various positions in the vaccines program from assistant program officer to program officer to senior analyst to Associate to senior Associate to Manager. Job entails health system strengthening,
supply chain, new vaccine introduction , program management, capacity building
Glasgow Caledonian University
Graduated 2013Masters in Public health
Areas of Expertise
- General
- Coaching
- Curriculum development
- Remote Coaching
- Domestic resource mobilization
- Financing for PHC and community health (preventive, promotive, and curative care
- Innovative financing
- Health management, policy and planning
- Strategic planning
- Strategy development
- Data reporting and analysis
- Health management information systems
- Health-related surveys
- Disease prevention
- Health promotion
- Health protection
- Immunization
- Community health workers--engagement, capacity-building and retention
- Human resources planning, management, training and development
- Knowledge management software
- Maternal, newborn and child health
- Root cause analysis
- Community health services
- Design and organization of service delivery models that include PHC and community health services
- Health management
- Strategic communications for engaging with community stakeholders for health
- Logistics management information system
- Supply chain organizational capacity and workforce